Using Custom Promotional Boxes in a Marketing Campaign
In order to understand the challenges faced by the average promotional marketing team, it’s necessary to get inside their heads a bit. What’s the biggest obstacle they need to overcome in order to get consumers to use their product or service? How can they effectively introduce their brand to their core audience in a way that informs, entertains, and educates? When it comes to marketing, custom promotional boxed are one of the best ways to meet these objectives and build a strong brand identity while providing the information their target market needs about the product they are offering. Here are some basic strategies for custom-packaging promotional boxes in a way that will get the right people to pay attention to your brand.

Unboxing Match
If you’ve been paying attention on social media lately, you’ve likely spotted a trend that’s showing no signs of going anywhere. From YouTube to Instagram, unboxing videos are a widespread phenomenon that can provide maximum exposure and recognition for your brand at absolutely no cost! An unboxing video is just what it sounds like: a video of a person unpacking a new product so that other fans of the product or brand can see its contents. While an unboxing video can be made for just about any product on the market, it is most common to see an electronic device, such as an iPhone, or a collectible toy, such as a limited-edition LEGO set, get unboxed for others’ viewing pleasure. The unprecedented rise of the unboxing video has made many companies pay closer attention to how their items are packaged, and strive to make every unboxing experience as aesthetically-pleasing and satisfying as possible.
Since a custom promotional box’s primary function is to introduce consumers to a new product or service, or even to the brand itself, it makes sense that, if a promotional box was packaged interestingly enough to generate excitement and intrigue, unboxing videos would be made and shared over social media outlets by excited members of your target audience. This exposure could potentially lead to the brand and product being blogged about and reported on by industry heavyweights and consumer reviewers alike. All of this publicity can be very good for an as-yet-unknown startup company or new product that has not gained significant traction among its core audience. By amping up the excitement with custom packaging, your promotional box stands a better chance of becoming the subject of positive buzz.
Identity Check
When you think of the phrase “brand identity,” chances are you think of that handful of mega-corporations who have created entire mini-societies based on consumer devotion to a product. A solid brand identity is a quick and efficient way to summarize your company’s mission, values, and process while also building an emotional bond with any consumer who shares those sentiments. Before you plan your packaging strategy for a custom promotional box, it is vital to give serious thought to just how you want your target audience to feel about your company and its products based on this first experience.
Are you a quirky, irreverent anti-corporation that wants to do some good in the world? Are you a serious-minded company that business professionals have relied on for over five decades? Perhaps you are an industry disruptor poised to change the face of our modern world forever. Whatever your brand, the first step of your marketing campaign should be to define its identity and then use that information to design your custom packaging concept for promotional boxes.
Make It Stick
People receive things in the mail all the time- and most of it gets tossed in the trash or recycling bin! It’s sad but true that a substantial number of promotional marketing materials never even get opened by their intended recipients. What if you could guarantee that your company’s custom promotional box would be the one they open? With creative custom packaging, you can! People enjoy being entertained and pleasantly surprised, and they want to feel as though a specific brand message resonates with them. In our modern world, we receive so much input that it all starts to sound like white noise after a while. By custom-creating a standout promotional box, you can ensure that your target market will tune in for a moment and receive your brand’s message loud and clear. With a creative approach to packaging, your promotional box will be the one that sticks with your audience long after they’ve opened it.
Take it Easy
Just because your custom promotional box’s packaging is innovative and eye-catching, that doesn’t have to mean it’s hard to open! Think of the end recipients and the experience you want them to have, so you can customize your promotional box in a way that eliminates difficulty and frustration. All too often, marketing departments choose form over function, which can lead to costly product packaging blunders. Imagine how a consumer will feel about your brand if he or she can’t easily and quickly open the promotional box’s packaging? It’s best to make sure that however you choose to capture your brand values through packaging, it will not require an advanced engineering degree to actually open it!
Label Yourself
You want to make sure that your custom promotional box not only ends up in the right hands, but is then opened and reviewed by those who need to hear your message most. There’s no way you’re going to achieve your end goal of imprinting your brand logo onto the brains of everyone who encounters your promo kit if you don’t first imprint it on the packaging itself. Highly-visible, brand-specific labeling that uses both the company name and logo will go a long way toward helping people remember you. A delightfully-packaged little promotional box that sparks imagination and generates buzz is great, unless nobody can even figure out who put the box out in the first place! By making sure your brand name is front and center, you can be sure that people will be able to identify your company before they ever open the package.
When you are custom-designing the packaging for your promotional boxes, be mindful of the end result your organization is shooting for, and you’re sure to land on just the right strategy! When in doubt, make sure to refer to these helpful hints and your promotional materials will stand head and shoulders above the rest of the competition.
Looking for a solution? We can help.
9211 Corporate Blvd Ste 110
Rockville MD 20850
Satellite Offices
Dallas, TX
Paris, France
San Francisco, CA
Scottsdale, AZ
Minimum Order Quantities:
RPET Totes: 3,000
Kraft Shoppers: 5,000
Rigid Boxes: 3,000
Folding Cartons: 5,000
5 Simple Tips for Custom-Packaging Promotional Kits
In order to understand the plight of the average promotional marketing team, you need to get inside their heads a bit. What’s the biggest challenge they’re facing when it comes to getting consumers to use their product or service? How can they effectively introduce their brand to the right audience in a way that informs, entertains, and educates? When it comes to marketing, custom-packaged promotional kits are one of the best ways to meet these objectives and build a strong brand identity while providing the information their target market needs about the product they are offering. Here are some basic strategies for custom-packaging promotional kits in a way that will get your brand noticed by all the right people.
It’s All About the Unboxing
If you’ve been paying attention on social media lately, you’ve likely spotted a trend that’s showing no signs of going anywhere. From YouTube to Instagram, unboxing videos are a widespread phenomenon that can give your brand great exposure at absolutely no cost! An unboxing video is just what it sounds like: a video of a person taking a new product out of its box so that other fans of the product or brand can see its contents. While an unboxing video can be made for virtually any product on the market, it is most common to see an electronic device, such as an iPhone, or a collectible toy, such as a LEGO set, get unboxed for others’ viewing pleasure. Thanks to the rise of the unboxing video, many companies are paying closer attention to how their items are packaged, and strive to make every unboxing experience as aesthetically-pleasing and satisfying as possible.
Vivabox’s VP of Marketing Rachael Shayne points out that the key is how these unboxing videos show “the anticipation the box can provide, what cues can the packaging can consumers about what’s inside and how it will make them feel/who the brand is.”
Since a promotional kit exists to clue consumers in on a new product or service, or even as an introduction to the brand itself, it stands to reason that a promotional kit that is special enough to warrant its own unboxing video will be more heavily shared on social media outlets, which leads to being blogged about and reported on by industry heavyweights and consumer reviewers alike. All of this exposure can be very good for an as-yet-unknown startup company or new product that has not gained significant traction among its core audience. By amping up the excitement with custom packaging, your promotional kit stands a better chance of becoming the subject of positive buzz.
…Who Are You?
When you think of the phrase “brand identity,” chances are you think of that handful of mega-corporations who have created entire mini-societies based on consumer devotion to a product. A solid brand identity is a quick and efficient way to convey your company’s mission, values, and process while also building a bond with any consumer who shares those sentiments. Before you plan your custom-packaging strategy for a promotional kit, it is essential that you give serious thought to just how you want your company and its products to be viewed by members of your target audience.
Are you a quirky, irreverent anti-corporation that wants to do some good in the world? Are you a serious-minded company that business professionals have relied on for over five decades? Perhaps you are an industry disruptor poised to change the face of our modern world forever. Whatever your brand, Step One is to define its identity and then use that information to design your custom packaging concept for promotional kits.
Make It Stick
People receive things in the mail all the time- and most of it gets tossed in the recycle bin! It’s sad but true that a substantial number of promotional marketing materials never even get opened by their intended recipient. What if you could guarantee that your company’s promotional kit would be the one they open over all the others they receive? With creative custom packaging, you can! People want to be entertained, and they want to feel as though a specific brand message resonates with them. In our modern world, we receive so much input that it all starts to sound like noise after a while. By custom-creating a standout promotional kit, you can ensure that your target market will tune in for a moment and receive your brand’s message loud and clear. With a creative approach to packaging, your promotional kit will be the one that sticks with your audience long after they’ve opened it.
Easy Does It
Just because your promotional kit’s packaging is eye-catching and innovative, that doesn’t have to mean it’s a pain to open! By thinking of the end recipient, you can eliminate the frustration that can often come from hyper-creative product packaging blunders. Imagine how a consumer will feel about your brand if he or she can’t easily and quickly open the promotional kit’s packaging? This kind of problem could cause major issues for your promotional campaign from the start. It’s best to make sure that however you choose to capture your brand values through packaging, it will not require an advanced engineering degree to actually open it!
Label Yourself
You want to make sure that your promotional kit not only ends up in the right hands, but is then opened and reviewed by those who need to hear your message most. There’s no way you’re going to achieve your end goal of imprinting your brand logo onto the brains of everyone who encounters your promo kit if you don’t first imprint it on the packaging itself. Highly-visible, brand-specific labeling that uses both the company name and logo will go a long way toward helping people remember you. A delightfully-packaged little promotional kit that sparks imagination and generates buzz is all well and good, unless nobody can even figure out who put the kit out in the first place! By making sure your brand name is front and center, you can be sure that people will be able to identify your company before they ever open the kit.
When you are custom-designing the package for your promotional kits, be mindful of the end result your organization is shooting for, and you’re sure to land on just the right strategy! When in doubt, make sure to refer to these helpful hints and your promotional materials will stand head and shoulders above the rest of the competition.
Looking for a solution? We can help.
9211 Corporate Blvd Ste 110
Rockville MD 20850
Satellite Offices
Dallas, TX
Paris, France
San Francisco, CA
Scottsdale, AZ
Minimum Order Quantities:
RPET Totes: 3,000
Kraft Shoppers: 5,000
Rigid Boxes: 3,000
Folding Cartons: 5,000