4 Need to Know Retail and Packaging Trends for 2021

February 9, 2021 Brand Packaging, Concierge, Retail Kits4 Minutes


A lot changed in 2020 but few industries have been as affected as extensively as retail. Make sure you’re keeping up with the changes by staying current and aware of trends. Here are 4 retail and packaging trends to check out for 2021.

1)      The importance of standing out in eCommerce


It is now critical to incorporate corrugate into your brand’s online packaging in a way that elevates the experience. Ecommerce shipping design is shifting from regular and plain packaging towards a more functional/stimulating unboxing process for consumers. You can achieve a more sophisticated “luxury corrugate” through thoughtful engineering and art direction, and by personalizing your brand’s shipping packaging.

A personal experience with a salesperson isn’t an option , so the packaging is the true first impression of your brand. Provide your customers a great experience through a shipping package that speaks for itself.

2)      Sustainability continues to grow in importance

Aerie Reusable Tote Made From Recycled Material

Aerie Reusable Tote Made From Recycled Material

Consumers are starting to pay more attention to not only what their products and packaging are made of, but also their carbon footprint. Often in the past sustainable options were more expensive but there are a many ways to go about creating sustainable packaging. The concept of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” can all be applied in different ways to design an eco-friendly package. Using recyclable materials or creating a reusable design with  alternative materials are both ways to incorporate sustainability.

3)      Sampler kits are driving huge sales numbers

12 Days of Clean Beauty Kit for Whole Foods Market

12 Days of Clean Beauty Kit for Whole Foods Market

60% of customers who receive free samples covert to full-size products. Brands are seeing sales of sampler kits skyrocket compared to previous years. Consumers can no longer test products in store, so giving them the opportunity to test out products from the comfort of their own homes is critical. Sampler kits not only give consumers a chance to find their favorites from your brand, but also provide the excitement of  experiencing something new. If your company isn’t offering sampler kits, now is the perfect time to start!

4)      Loyalty programs are more important than ever


Your loyalty program can be a deciding factor in whether consumers choose you vs the competitor. Can you say your loyalty program is going above and beyond your customers’ expectations? These programs are an optimal way of thanking the customers who have stuck with you through these trying times. Showing them how important they are to your business is a necessity. A gift incentive, and an unexpected thank you note can go a long way toward building loyalty and creating advocates. VBX Solutions manages multiple loyalty programs and we’re happy to talk to you about how we can take yours to the next level.

What trends or opportunities is your business missing out on? The VBX Solutions team can help you explore your options, and work with you to find the best fit for your brand to drive sales. To learn about these options email us at info@vivaboxsolutions.com

Looking for a solution? We can help.


9211 Corporate Blvd Ste 110
Rockville MD 20850

Satellite Offices

Dallas, TX
Paris, France
San Francisco, CA
Scottsdale, AZ





Minimum Order Quantities:
RPET Totes: 3,000
Kraft Shoppers: 5,000
Rigid Boxes: 3,000
Folding Cartons: 5,000

What a White Label VIP Customer Care Service Could Add to Your Business

April 29, 2019 Concierge, Loyalty4 Minutes


As a business looking for opportunities to get ahead in the marketing and service focus of modern retailing, your first instinct may be to do it all yourself. Unfortunately, that is not always the best solution.

Building a customized, high-touch VIP customer care solution from scratch by attempting to meet the exact specifications of your business can be time-consuming and complicated. That’s because building your own solution can lead you to make mistakes, like spending too much money developing tools and solutions that already exist in other formats, or you may miss out on resources and expertise in the specific space where you need a focused solution. Or you simply don’t have the bandwidth to train, monitor, and launch a specialized high-touch customer service team.

These pitfalls are easy to avoid if you opt for a white label solution, rather than building one yourself. White label products and services, like the Vivabox VIP White Label Customer Care Service, help you deliver on your Brand Promise & Customer Care commitment using our outsourced team who operate under your “banner” — that’s the white label part.

Vivabox’s White label VIP Customer Care Service offers you the following benefits:

  • High-touch, limited quantity & limited time only rewards, gifts, influencer packages, and pop-up shop gifts, and special experiences need a specialized customer care team experienced in delivering above and beyond. We do that for you.

  • Our team uses software, yes, but they’re people. Real people. Customer care experts adept at delivering special products and special value to your most important customers.

  • It’s quick and easy to brand. We represent your aesthetic, tone, and service level as if it was…you! White label solutions are generally fully integrated, which makes branding easy. You can be free from concerns about needing to spend time and money on research or development because white label services are doing the work for you. Simply enough, we help propel your brand’s experience for you so you don’t have to cut corners that could backfire on your brand identity.

  • You can scale your services portfolio. The most significant benefit of using white label marketing is to broaden your offerings. You don’t need to specialize in each and every service that you offer, and outsourcing provides a much broader range of services for your business.

  • You can focus on your core competencies. Core competencies benefit from scaling your services. In many cases, the solutions that companies hope to build themselves fall far outside of their areas of expertise. It’s not smart to stretch your resources to do something that doesn’t fit within your core competencies. Pre-packaged solutions offer your business an opportunity to trust the experts in the specific space you are focused on, and avoid making the same mistakes that others have made before you.

  • Improve your customer loyalty, retention, and NPS. Broaden your rewards and event strategies. With a third-party provider taking responsibility for most important service delivery, you can focus more time and effort on managing your retail spaces, relationships, and product array. Every time your Growth or Marketing team comes to you with a special promotion, or award tier, you won’t have to say no to them just because you don’t have the capabilities in-house.

White label solutions, like the one Vivabox provides, help businesses use unique branding and high-touch customer care so you can offer a product or service without investing in infrastructure or technology creation. Done and done — at the speed of today’s retail environment.

Looking for a solution? We can help.


9211 Corporate Blvd Ste 110
Rockville MD 20850

Satellite Offices

Dallas, TX
Paris, France
San Francisco, CA
Scottsdale, AZ





Minimum Order Quantities:
RPET Totes: 3,000
Kraft Shoppers: 5,000
Rigid Boxes: 3,000
Folding Cartons: 5,000